NSW CrimeStoppers: Committing Crimes against Web Design and Humanity.

We’re all pretty aware that government and non-for-profit websites aren’t exactly beacons of technologically innovative badassery, but community-based organisation CrimeStoppers really takes the cake. Not only is their NSW site amazing because of its decade-old state of perfect preservation, but because of these images that some smartass intern managed to get through without ANYONE BATTING AN EYELID.


CrimeStoppers Maddy

Help us finger a crook? Really? Do you need more than one person to do it? Shit, I didn’t even know it was legal. But you know, necessary, because DRUGS.

Also, you might notice that there are various combinations of 0s and 1s in the fingerprint, because each fingerprint is unique and binary code is made up entirely of zeroes and ones, something something we are tech-savvy professionals and definitely not a bunch of 50 year olds who wouldn’t know a scare tactic from a rape threat.

Moving on!

Cocaine Oxycontin Nightmare

Nothing says “don’t take drugs” like a phone number written in a line of cocaine. But without referring to the horrible Photoshop job, I think we can all agree that this is not even close to realistic! Like, come on, if you have enough coke to make ten decently-sized digits, you don’t snort it with a 20 dollar bill. I want to see hundred dollar bills and at least three maxed out credit cards. Amateurs.

The question of how on earth we are meant to report crime to an agency that clearly thinks snorting sherbert and fingering criminals are rational courses of action remains. Maybe just inject some marijuanas, and don’t think about it.

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